We create content

We create original content for all kind of educational digital productions. And in any “language”: text, graphic, audiovisual or multimedia.

We come up with ideas

We take part in projects right from the start, contributing the creativity required to execute ground-breaking, original, high-quality products.

Or we join projects already under way, at any stage, to contribute ideas to enrich or reorient them or to generate added value.

We direct and coordinate

We direct and coordinate work teams throughout the production process, from the initial creativity through to the end product. If the client does not provide it, we create the right work team for each project from among our own staff.

We publish on paper

The digital and paper formats are not mutually exclusive. Many projects, to be complete, need both of them, suitably structured to complement one another.

We take on the whole process of writing, editing, correcting and laying out paper projects or the paper part of projects which combine different media.

We produce

We develop and produce our own projects within the sphere of our interests and knowledge: the use of new technology in learning and communication.

We are particularly interested in the area of people with special educational needs and education for children and young people.

We write and produce audiovisual and multimedia scripts

We script both animated or interactive adventures and documentary or fictional audiovisual productions.

We work with the most suitable techniques and graphic orientation for each project and direct its production. We cast the actors and narrators and set up the technical team necessary to produce, edit and post-edit the audiovisuals

We adapt to digital formats

We adapt any kind of paper product to digital format, maintaining the purpose and spirit of the original but giving it the right form and enriching it with the complementary content and features appropriate to digital formats.